




爱的姻缘 | 治癌 | 共振信息水 | 灵力医学排列(灵排) | 用户留言 | 新书阅读

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本书的最后附页详细列出了医学硕士堀尾忠正用灵力医学排列(灵排)的方法在周六、周日处理的各类疾病,每天处理34例,这些疾病在医院用中西医治疗了10多年、20多年、30多年,甚至更长时间没有治好,这些在医院治不好的病,或者医院根本无从下手的疾病(事件),被堀尾忠正用自创的灵排在很短时间内就治好了。这些案例完整记录在堀尾忠正的系列丛书第三本《灵力医学排列》、第五本《灵排——透过疾病看因果》、第六本《灵排——破解疾病和历史》 、第七本《灵排——破解因果和疾病》、第11本《灵排因果录》中,而且有全程录像记录。从灵排明细可以看出,灵排什么病均治而且患者可以不到治病现场,由家人代替来现场,达到了隔空治病。灵排,所有疾病的治疗方法均相同,达到了“异病同治”。

一位住海口的73岁的英语教授40多年的腰痛,在灵排处理近两个小时、只完成了灵排的80%时,腰痛就消失了,原来是曾经打死了蟒蛇 、被蛇灵附体引起的腰痛,当向蟒蛇道歉后,在现场腰痛就当场消失了。而且灵排发现打死蟒蛇后,家中10多人(包括 四位叔叔)在30岁刚过就去世了 ,加上其他人,去世了10多人。案主承认确有其事。这一例很明显是因果报应,用灵排找到了原因,解决了问题。后来该教授免费把我的书翻译成英语,出版了第四本书《Soulforce Medicine(1)》(《灵力医学(英文版)》)。







灵排,看起来更玄乎,一位偏头痛20多年的患者,人在英国,没有到达治病现场,由其在南宁的姐姐来深圳灵排现场,灵排共持续了2个小时,3天后,远在英国的妹妹偏头痛明显减轻,8天后彻底消失。还是那人,后来发现子宫癌,同样患者没有回中国,其姐来了现场灵排,两周后再去医院检查,子宫癌消失了。期间除了使用量子共振信息水外,未用任何药物。 灵排发现是被堕胎的婴灵和被杀的火鸡附体引起。







我们人的眼睛能看得见的三维空间,只占这个世界的4%,占96%我们的眼睛看不见 ,称为灵界。灵界里的存有物攻击人体时,就引起了人的疾病。看不见不等于不存在。我们眼睛能看到的波长为400纳米-700纳米之间,而量子共振信息水的波长在紫外光谱范围,我们的眼睛看不见。如果用紫外分光光度仪测试,有一个吸收高峰,而普通自来水没有高峰,证明这个量子共振信息水是有能量的。 让量子共振信息水靠近人体,对灵界内的存有物而言,如同太阳一样发光、发热的物品靠近这个灵界内的存有物,使其无法继续靠近人体,促使其离开人体,停止攻击人体,症状就消失了。可见,量子共振信息水并不是作用于人体本身,而是作用于灵界内攻击人体的那个存有物,使其离开人体。

















(以下内容摘自堀尾忠正的专著《爱的传递——量子医学、量子共振信息水与身心灵疾病治疗之探索》第二章) ,更详细的请看书:





4、《Soulforce Medicine》(《灵力医学(英文版)》);


6、《灵排——破解疾病和历史》 ;






12Soulforce Medicine2



量子共振信息水 (共振能量传递剂)继1995年研制成功,1997125日至9日在北京展览馆展出后,又通过10多年的小规模临床验证,取得了可靠的证据,同时又融入了更多心理学内容,于是于200812月,我把量子共振信息水再次推出,实现了我“不同类型的疾病,用相同的办法治疗”这一目标,亦即我找到了医学的普遍规律,不同的疾病,能够用相同的办法治疗了。治病时,我可以不需要知道具体是什么疾病,只要知道病变部位在哪儿即可,然后把量子共振信息水瓶子(或者袋子)放置在病变部位,让其发射出共振信息传递给病变部位,可以“隔空”去纠正紊乱的共振频率,也可以同时涂擦。如果连病变部位也不知道,那么就喝下去。对于全身性疾病、内分泌系统疾病、癌症转移的,除了放置、涂擦(在产生该激素的腺体附近、癌块附近)外,同时加喝。如果想精力、体力更好,除了随身携带外,也可以喝。治疗的方法就是“放置(瓶子或者袋子)、涂擦、喝”这“三板斧”,所有疾病全是如此治疗。或者可以做成量子共振信息水床,人就直接睡在上面。






























利用量子学原理的量子共振信息水可以进行更深层次的治疗,如一位因为高度近视请我用量子共振信息水治疗的女性,我马上发现了她的身心灵均有问题,她曾经请很多临床医生治病,没有治好,请很多心理学大师用完形治疗(Gestalt Therepy)、心理剧治疗(Psychodrama)等的手段,做不下去,请多位大师做“家庭系统排列(Family Constellations)”,还是做不下去。




















而如果我们去把“波”改变了,“物质”也会随着被改变,因此,利用这个原理,可以做很多工作,而用于治病只是一个小小的用途而已。而我发明的油公核磁共振传递剂(Yougong )、亲密育儿背巾(qinmi Baby sling)、家庭系统排列心理学模型等,均是应用了这个原理。我根据获得的经验,我已经申报了多项专利。








在英语中,医学medicine这个词,另外一个意思是巫术,medicine  man是巫医。由此也证明,医学来源于巫术,不是来源于药物。另外,我们经常在电影中看到西方人每个礼拜去教堂,宗教的忏悔、祷告,实际就是把每个星期积压的情绪清理一下,负面情绪清理了,人会更健康。古代主持祭祀活动的人,社会地位极高,仅次于皇帝,其实,主持祭祀活动的人,其实就是现在的心理学家……,实际很多疾病的研究方法到了现代,完全走偏了。













    本品永久记忆有大自然(包括人体)的庞大正常共振信息,与本品接触,即可把共振信息 (共振能量)传递,使外界已经紊乱的共振频率恢复正常(包括人体)。









   使用本品后,可以立即观察到如下变化 ,以此来验证是量子共振信息传递:









每一瓶量子共振信息水、每一滴量子共振信息水均是一个量子共振源, 如同一台可以随身携带的液态量子共振发射机,不断向周围传递谐和共振信息,纠正人体已经紊乱的共振频率,使人体恢复健康……从酒、饮料、香烟等味变淡、O型环拉力试验等马上可以验证是共振信息传递……


























Quantum Resonance Information Water

--- Kuwei Zhongzheng

The Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) is an agent passing resonance energy successfully developed in 1995. After the exhibition in Beijing Exhibition Center from December 5 to 9, 1997, and more than 10 years’ small-scale clinical tests, I have obtained reliable evidences, at the same time, absorbed more psychological elements as well. Therefore I launched the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) once again in December, 2008 and realized my goal to “treat the different diseases with the same method", that is to say, I have found the general law of medicine that different diseases can be cured with the same method. While implementing treatment, there is no need for me to know the name of the disease, but the site of pathological change. Then put a bottle (or bag) of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) close to the point, let it transfer the resonance information to the position to correct the disorder of the resonance frequency of the part, or spread some of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on the position at the same time. If the site of pathological change is unknown, drink the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) then. As for systemic disease, endocrine system disorder, cancer metastasis, except of placing and applying (near or on the position of the hormone glands and cancer mass), drink some at the same time. If you want sound energy and better physical strength, you can drink while carrying the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) with you. The methods of treating diseases with the QRI water are just three: "putting (the bottle or bag), applying and drinking", or making up the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) bed, and sleeping on it directly. The treatments for all diseases are the same.

In this way, it is no longer hard to study medicine. There is no need to remember, no need to recite more things, and no need to put too much emphasis on "differential diagnosis."

Even the people who did not study medicine can still implement a fool treatment.

The Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) is re-launched this time with a significant difference compared with that of 10 years ago. The internet just started in China 10 years ago. The coverage was very limited at that time, and the general public did not yet started to use. Therefore it was very difficult to interact with the remote patients, and to collect clinical data. Now the Internet has become accessible to the ordinary families. I can communicate via the Internet with the usersthey can feed back at any time, and I can be aware of the situation of the users immediately. But the Quantum Medicine will focus more on the user's personal experience, especially on those users who have no organic disease, but feel systemically uneasy. With the support of the Internet, the users can copy down information instantly, and the reliable information data can be obtained timely. 

The professor of a provincial Centre for Disease Control and Prevention used my Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water), to treat the children with leukemia and the children returned to their schools one by one. At the same time, the children suffered from the renal failure also returned to their schools one by one. The professor has two daughters studying M.D. in the United States, experienced and knowledgeable. When she read the on-line description of my Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water), she has accepted it without any hesitation. Now she is using the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) to treat the patients suffered from leukemia and renal failure, as what I did when I was working in the People's Hospital, now what she is doing is also beyond her medical scope. In order to avoid the trouble that my "private clinic was banned." the professor wishes me to keep it confidential. She is also using it out of the hospital after work,  which is surprisingly similar with my behavior at that time..

A clinician who worked in Shenzhen Nanshan Hospital (now renamed Shenzhen Union Hospital, Huazhong University of Science and Technology), for 22 years, used the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) to treat the diseases that the hospital could not cure, and the diseases were cured one by one. Then the clinician has called me "Master", while more patients have called me "Teacher."

I had also met clinicians, and Buddhists as well, who were shocked, while they saw the magical effects of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water), and immediately knelt down and asked to be my apprentice, worship me as master.

Treat the diseases suffered from pain, no matter what kind of pain is, the general method is to place the bottle or the bag of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on the painful area. It would be within 10 minute that the pain is gone or relieved. If it is the traumatic pain with a wound open, spray the QRI Water directly on the wound, the hurt pain will be indolent in 1-3 minutes. Many patients with cancer pain, placed the QRI Water beside the body, and applied on the position, or drink, the pain would not hurt or relieved in 10 minutes. Those suffered from the dysmenorrhea pain rolling in bed, put the bottle or the bag of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) near the abdomen, and spread on it meantime, many of them suffered no pain within 10 minutes. Many of those who had tumors, no matter what types they are, whether they are cysts or cancer masses, put the quantum resonance information water near the lesion site, at the same time spread on the position, the tumor would shrank or disappeared over one night; There are too many of such cases. 

The patient who was the grandson of the Marshal, a founder of China and Vice Premier, spread the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on his face less than 1 ml, three hours later, the parotid cyst that had not cured for more than 10 years, was almost intangible and untouched.

Ms. Tong, chief of Shenzhen Municipal Committee of Experts suffered from allergic rhinitis, her case was not cured after 30 years’ treatment, and I gave her the QRI Water, she placed and sprayed it onto the position for 20 days, the allergic rhinitis was healed. Other patients of allergic rhinitis treated for 10 years, or more than 20 years were healed with my Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) in 5-20 days. Then I received a Letter of Invitation from her Committee inviting me to be a member of the Commission of Medical and Health Experts, Shenzhen Municipal Committee of Experts.

A researcher from Zhongshan Medical College, Zhongshan University once took my Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) to test, the results of trace elements of the water were satisfactory, no radioactive elements found.

It is never before over the world that putting a bottle or a bag of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) beside the body can “cure disease over space”. In comparison, it is much similar to the "Quantum Medicine" to correct the frequency with this method. The resonance information of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) will eventually act on the "meridians", and will walk on the way of the guide map of treating diseases through the meridian that was found thousands of years ago. Therefore systemic effects occur.

The feedback from one user, she suffered from leg ache. When she slapped the painful location with her palm, the pain disappeared, at the same time she hiccupped. She also put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on the legs ache part, the pain disappeared, and hiccupped as well, which indicates that the   Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) has the same action as that of the meridian.

Another user’s feedback, his sunscreen was turned hard like the toothpaste, when he put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) near the deteriorated, the sunscreen was soft and eventually became liquid like water. Chinese medicine says, "Passing non-pain, pain no passing". If where the meridian is stagnant or blocked up, the pain occurs. Put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) near the pain, passing the quantum resonance information, the meridian goes through normally and the pain disappears. This is also consistent with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (the TCM) theory. Therefore, it is not surprising to put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) at the painful area, and the pain relieves in 10 minutes, and the mass can disappear in several hours as well.

Many patients with hemorrhoids, their hemorrhoids disappeared after applying the QRI Water once. The hemorrhoids are caused by blood stagnation as well. After applying the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on the place, the blood flew, and the disease was healed. This is consistent with the Traditional Chinese Medicine (the TCM) theory.

A brain cancer patient in Beijing got headache, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of intracranial hypertension within 20-30 minutes after drinking 5-10 ml of the QRI Water, indicating the effect of the QRI Water is very obvious in killing cancer cells immediately, that is to say, the cancer cells were killed and ruptured within a short time. After rupturing, the volume was slightly larger (the parts were dismantled and the size became larger), causing the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure. Of course, at this time, take a small amount of diuretic, to reduce the intracranial pressure, the symptom can be soon alleviated. By the time a lot of cancer cells were killed. The brain cancer that the hospital declared incurable was completely cured with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) in less than 3 months. And the discharged piss was as black as briquettes.

A patient from Harbin suffered from the lung cancer at the late stage with extensive metastasis to bone and lymph node. The hospital announced that the disease was incurable, and persuaded the patient to go back home waiting for death. The patient has lain on the bed for 9 days already, but the miracle occurred that she got up in 8 minutes after drinking 10 ml of 220 ml of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) delivered by express; She got off the bed first for 9 minutes. Three days later, once again express of 600 ml arrived, she tied the bottles of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) immediately at her body, and she felt her strength improved, came down the stairs, walked back and forth to her sister’s on foot. She coughed up pieces of rotten meat ( the cancer mass) on the 20th day.

Many patients with beriberi for more than 10 years were cured by spraying the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) once. Usually it can be cured in three days. A reporter of "Health News" with foot odor for more than 10 years, shortly after the Spring Festival, in 2009, he sprayed my Quantum Resonance Information Water over the socks only once, his foot odor disappeared without recurrence all long. The reporter's father-in-law with feet ulcers had been treated for 28 years, but in vain. When he used the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water), the feet ulcers was markedly improved within 4 days. And the rotten area was convergent without running water.

Those who use the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) get less cold obviously than others, and also significantly less than that in previous years.

Therefore, it demonstrated that the frequencies of cancer cells, fungi, viruses, harmful bacteria are very different from that of the normal human body. Under the frequency of the Quantum Resonance Information Water, these substances can not survive; therefore, it is easy to separate these abnormal substances from the normal cells to kill, avoiding the Western radiotherapy and chemotherapy to kill both good and bad cells together.

The patients who suffered from the above diseases have the frequencies deviated to that of the cancer cells, fungi, viruses, harmful bacteria, therefore these substances can grow fast. After using the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water), under the resonant frequency of the normal human memorized in the water, these substances were killed quickly.

On the other hand, I have designed that the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) preserves the energy of memory. The QRI Water can transfer the resonance energy to the human body, if it is placed near the body to improve the body's resistance to disease, the immunity, and to maintain the body's normal frequency. The QRI Water can fight against cancer cells, viruses and fungi from both frequency and energy.

A sports athlete of Nanjing had been trained for 18 years in the United States; his physical training usually was to do push-ups; usually he could do 100 times once, if forced him to do, he could do two more, reaching 102. In January 2009, he drunk 30 ml of the Quantum Resonance Information Water before doing push-ups, he finished 110 push-ups without being forced with doing. After 20 minutes’ rest, he restarted to do without any forcing, and he finished 114. Usually finishing push-ups, he would drink some water after half an hour break, and his hands would tremble holding on the cup, but after drinking the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) , his hands did not feel shaking while taking up the cup also after a half hours’ push-ups and did not feel tired.

During July and August, 2009, I sponsored the Japanese Chinese team to participate in the International ballroom dancing competitions; they had maintained a total score of the first all along in Guiyang, Hong Kong, Yongzhou, Macau, Zhanjiang competitions. The Ballroom Dancing competition has been officially listed as one of sports competitions, which requires great physical strength and endurance. The Quantum Resonance Information Water is very useful in sports and games. It shows that after resonance, the strength of human body significantly increased; so when did the "pull test", the strength significantly increased. The "pull test" can be used to prove that the human body as a whole in the event of resonance.

Put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) near the body or drink the QRI Water, the physical strength increases. Spraying the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) on the trauma 1 to 3 minutes, the pain can be relieved, The Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) is very valuable in the field of the military, it can not only enhance the combat endurance, but it can also be used in injury time. Meanwhile, the "different diseases be treated with the same method"; There is no need to take many drugs in the field. In sports the athlete can play super-level. And in first aid, place the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI water) near the body to transfer the resonance information, so that the body can obtain extra energy, greatly enhancing the power of human endurance and resistance to trauma, and achieve better surgery healing.

One woman from Shenzhen grew a lot of long beard for more than 10 years from Grade 3 of primary school. She received the treatment with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), and accidently she found her beard fell on the 17th day after the treatment with the Quantum Resonance Information Water.

Another woman from Foshan in 2002, her colleague helped her to trim the eyebrows, and the right eyebrow was trimmed 1 cm (actually narrowed 1.5 cm) narrower than the left eyebrow. After then her right eyebrow had never grown up. She used the Quantum Resonance Information Water to treat her disease, and she accidently found the right eyebrows grown up.

With the same Quantum Resonance Information Water, make the hair growing where it grows, then the eyebrow grew up; The beard was lost from the place where the girl should not grow the beard, which indicates that it is entirely correct from theory to practice that the Quantum Resonance Information Water is designed to correct the disordered resonance frequency.

In addition, the normal person drinks the Quantum Resonance Information Water tasteless, but many patients I met with serious cancer said, they dunk the Quantum Resonance Information Water, it was tasted bitter, or like the water in the fish tank, or smell like the water in a drainage ditch, but after one week of use, these tastes disappeared, which indicates that their original resonance frequency had deviated from the normal resonance frequency. After one week use, the disordered frequency was gradually corrected; and there no longer exists bad smell. And the taste does also feel the resonance frequency.

I also met with the patients who sprayed the Quantum Resonance Information Water to mouth tasteless, but to the eyes sides, she felt her mouth bitter, indicating that the frequency of her eyes deviated from the normal status.

Put the drink, alcohol, cigarettes near the Quantum Resonance Information Water, their frequencies were immediately changed; then drinking the beverage or wine, or smoking the cigarettes, you can feel their taste changed, therefore we can use "sour test" to verify the change of the frequency.

One person from England came to me especially for treatment; it needs originally more than one week to rectify the jet lag after returning. He lay down in bed of the Quantum Resonance Information Water the night of his returning. The time difference was corrected 5 hours later, which indicates that the time difference is also related with the frequency of the human body. After using the Quantum Resonance Information Water, the frequency of the small environment of the human body gets consistent with that of the environment of the universe quickly.

A Japanese people came from Japan to me especially for treatment; she had taken sleeping pills every night for more than 10 years because of insomnia. She lain down on the bed of my Quantum Resonance Information Water, several minutes later, she saw the light glowing from pillow of the Quantum Resonance Information Water constantly; After lasting Half an hour, the light disappeared. Her insomnia was cured as well. She saw light at the time when the frequency was exactly the same frequency as that of vision in the process of correcting the resonant frequency, she saw the light. Half an hour later, the frequency removed from the visual frequency, the light was unseen. After the frequency was corrected, insomnia healed.

The Quantum Resonance Information Water with the principles of quantum science can be used for deeper treatment. One woman of high myopia came to me for treatment with the Quantum Resonance Information Water; I immediately found the problem of her body, mind and soul. She had asked many clinicians for treatment, but in vain. She asked many masters for treatment with Gestalt Therapy, psychodrama therapy, but the means could not go on. She asked a number of masters to go on "Family Constellations”, still no one could go on. When she found me, I soon found the cause of her myopia that she saw her father's suicide scene. While curing her systemic disease with the Quantum Resonance Information Water, I solved her psychological problems she repressed in heart for decades first within a month, then to solve the systemic health problems, such as insomnia, constipation, beriberi, skin, scars, cold, allergy, rhinitis, headache, dysmenorrhea and other items; they turned for the better one by one. And soon she found her eyebrows grew up that were cut short 8-year ago, and her chest was full as well. And then she found a sudden change in her thinking. Previously, she was disgusted her mother, even she could not live with her mother, could not walk together side by side. Suddenly she could accept her mother. The thinking of a person also has resonance frequency, once it is disordered, it will be very unusual, his character is also strange. After the frequency returned to normal, the strange ideas would changed. later I found that she gave up her work in recent years and went to the temples to do the volunteer work around. and actually she was looking for her suicide father, tried to find the soul of her father in the "Family Constellations". I had found her these questions, before I arrange the "Family Constellations" with real persons. I solved her problems one by one just with the Quantum Resonance Information Water.

The users have the follow-up report: After more than three months’ use of the Quantum Resonance Information Water in the high dose, the menstrual blood had changed in color from the original dark like syrup to bright red, or from the dark blood block to bright red liquid blood finally. The skin was damaged because of acne inflammation 19 years ago, and where the eyebrow did not grow as well; after using the Quantum Resonance Information Water, the new eyebrows had grown out.

As for Gestalt therapy, the psychodrama therapy, the masters of psychology usually use props, scenes, stunt, language (or even to use a child's dialect), etc., they must try to bring the scene back to the place where the psychological trauma occurred to arouse the memory of the patient, then go to treatment. This case is actually just like the tape, or video tape rewind back to the period in question; And then either wipe out the magnetic period, delete the period, or record new content, for the frequency of the magnetic tape of the original question period was too unusual, too strong in intensity, so as to affect the other section, or even affect the entire tape. The case will be completely different after treating the section. The person will be changed, just like another one through proper psychological treatment.

I have read the book written by Hu Yinmeng, Master of Taiwan psychology, describing an accident, near death, the brain appears the case of the magnetic tape rewind, fast back to his whole life. That explains what happened in the life all are memorized in the human body. And the entire psychological trauma has been recorded as the same in the human body as well.

The Gestalt therapy, psychodrama therapy need to restore to the original scene where the original psychological trauma occurred. The scene is of sobbing trouble with great movement, the masters of psychology are exhausted physically and mentally after several processes down. And always under such an environment, a master of psychology is also suffering from psychological shock, and also under constant psychological harm. That is why a master of psychology himself regularly receives more advanced psychological treatment by the most senior psychological master. Then the most senior master of psychology, who gave him treated?

The Quantum Resonance Information Water can remove the special exceptional resonance frequency waves quietly, returning to the normal; in this way, the entanglement problems of the people’s life history are solved unknowingly.

The family constellations involve the entanglement of the resonant frequency of several generations of the family system. And the Quantum Resonance Information Water corrects the anomalies quietly as well.

I have found a universal law of medicine, that "the human body has its natural inherent resonance frequency, if the resonance frequency is disturbed, the sick appears; if the disordered frequency is corrected, the health is restored." This Quantum Resonance Information Water is actually the source of the quantum resonance, a liquid machine, a liquid quantum resonance information transmitter, passing the normal resonance information to the human body, directly acting on the lesion." Putting (bottle or bag), applying and drinking" are three methods to realize a fool treatment.

Can this panacea not be trusted out?

Because the preceding of the treatment of the diseases with the Quantum Resonance Information Water is from correcting the frequencies, as long as the frequency can be corrected to the normal, the disease can be cured. No matter what the original disease is, or at what stage, or in what position, as long as the frequency can be corrected, the disease will be able to be cured. If the frequency is not corrected, there is no cure.

In west, there is a world-famous proverb: "There are roads leading to Rome. "If you find a lot of people gathered together in Rome, will you hold it very strange? How could we all get to Rome? Will this road be almighty? Actually the goal of everyone is to Rome, regardless where the original starting point is. Therefore we arrived in Rome. Similarly, the people feel it weird to cure a wide range of diseases only with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water). Actually, the goal of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) is to correct the disordered frequency to normal one, regardless where the original starting point is. Such a comparison helps us to understand why the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) can cure many diseases. This is what I said that we needn’t to pay much attention to the cause of 'differential diagnosis' with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water). No need to know where the starting point is. As long as you can know where is to set the end.

"Different diseases, treated with the same method," Have you ever seen in history? In fact there was not only in history, but it is still at present. Chinese medicine acupuncture is relying on a pin in the cure sickness. Acupuncture needles penetrate into the appropriate acupuncture points, many different diseases can be cured only with the same needle. Now I put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) at the lesion, the painful location of the body, and the diseases can be cured, which is just like the acupuncture. Someone might say that the acupuncture needs to look for the appropriate acupuncture points, but for me, I even did not find the acupuncture points and directly put the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) at the position. Actually, there are acupuncture points known as "A point", "Ah yes point", " uncertain point", "Heaven point", etc.. The book of " Lingshu•Jingjin" 《灵枢·经筋》 (Soul Hub• Meridian Vein) says: " Take the pain as transfer"(以痛为输), that is to say, locate the site according to the pain. The name of "A point" was put forward first by " Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency"《备急千金要方》. It has neither specific point name, nor a fixed location. In clinic, it is used more for the painful symptoms. The Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is also consistent with the theory of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and the effect of treatment of the painful diseases with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) is very quick. Acupuncture is very effective on pain type of diseases, but it is not so brilliant on the tumor, tumor type of treatment, and the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is very effective to the tumor or cancer mass. And the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) also can make a great increase in physical strength, reaching the overall objective truly: "Different Diseases, Treated with the Same Method”. As for this, I am the first in the world.

And the target of my design is to achieve the goal of "Different Diseases, Treated with the Same Method". I have found the universal law of medicine through decades of hard working, that is, "the human body has its natural inherent resonance frequency. If the resonance frequency is disturbed, the body will be sick; If the frequency is corrected, the health is restored."

I am the first one in the world who treats diseases across the space with the bottle or bag of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) put near the body.

Is it the first time to hear "Curing Diseases Across Space”?  No!  The Qigong Master is also to cur the diseases “across space”. Actually, the Qigong Master treats the diseases with the resonant wave of his ideas, passing out, to correct the disorder of the resonance frequency of the patient. In reality, the principle is the same. The Qigong Masters is a resonance source. The difference is that he should be at the scene on the spot to practice. "Make and Sell." As for me, I put these resonant information memorized in the water ahead of time, I already have stock in the water, and it can be "Qigong industrialized".

The method is to correct the frequency, and the different diseases can be treated with the same method, making the "treatment as ease as a Fool," which I am the first one in the world.

Put the bottle of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) near the body, without opening the cap of the bottle, the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) of the bottle emitting the harmonic resonance information to the human body to correct the imbalances of the frequency already, the disease is cured. And yet the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) of the bottle is not reduced. The resonance information is permanently memorized (To our limited life). Naturally keep the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), the energy of the (QRI Water) will not weaken. It can be preserved for long. Water has the memory function. When the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is put near the body, the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is correcting the disorder of the resonant frequency of the human body. But the abnormal message of the human body may also be memorized by the water, affecting the subsequent use of effect. In any case, the service life of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is much longer than that of the common drugs. The QRI Water can be continuously placed near the body for few months all the while.

 The application of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is just like that the family invites a general practitioner (GP) of a "Versatile Effect" home.

We can make further study on quantum science: According to the theory and observation of quantum science, our world is a quantum world. The quantum has the "wave-particle duality". Most of the people stop at only willing to recognize the eyes visible particles phase, and this matter is composed of 99.9999% of space and 0.0001% of the atoms. The all physical phenomena that we can see with our eyes are the idolums created out by the vibration frequency of atoms. And many people do not go thinking that the invisible waves. The link between all things of the universe, is the performance of the waves. The resonant frequency of "four-dimensional space world" is too far from the range of the frequency perceived by the human eyes, so our eyes can not see. But the sensitive people can perceive it always. The perception is actually the resonance information.  

If we change the "wave", the "matter" will be changed as well. Therefore, we can do a lot of work with this principle. But it is only a little use for medical treatment only. What I invented, such as the Nuclearmagnetic Resonance Transfer Agent (named “Yougong” in Chinese), Qinmi Baby Sling亲密育儿背巾), the psychological model of family constellations, have all applied this principle. I have to declare a number of patents according to my experience.

I have presented my clinical research data to a lot of Medical Professors, presidents of Medical colleges, clinicians of western medicine, they were all caught in strange cycle of a Chinese literary quotation: "Cheng buys shoes" (郑人买履)(It means a person from Cheng State went to buy his shoes, when he arrived at the market, but forgot to take the measured size of his feet, he did not buy and return.) They did not believe the real body experience of the users; all of them asked me to show the animal experimental data. They all said that the animal experiments are the most correct, and insisted that the animal experiments can not be omitted. This is as the same as that of "Zheng Buys Shoes", they do not believe the real feeling of their feet when wearing the shoes, but only believe the exact size.

Could I do not know Western medicine and research programs? I finished the courses of graduate student during grade 2 to grade 4 in my Medical College along with my professors: " Basic Method of Medical Research", "Medical Literature Searches", etc. When I studied in graduate school, I majored in Pharmacology of Medical College; And I had part-time work for hospital and Pharmaceutical companies at home and abroad during this period. I am well aware of the traditional research methods.

We don’t know where the western medicine comes from, but it fills over the world. So they let the animals try first with selection, and then give people the trial. Everything comes by chance.

The program designed by myself is "to correct human resonant frequency, the human body can recover", in which I directly selected the resonance information of the normal human body memorized in the water, rather than the animals’ resonant message, everything from the inevitable. If you do animal experiments, the result is valid for all humans, but in many animals it will not be working. And the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) I designed is dealing with the body, mind and soul of the whole human body, which involves psychology, the soul study, the study of the family issues; All of these can not be replaced by animals for these involve human consciousness , thoughts, family issues, psychological hurts, and the way of animal thinking, way of life, and psychological hurts are completely different from that of the human, which the animal experiments can not be implemented fully.

Is Traditional Chinese Medicine poisonous? The predecessors have practiced for us, since "Shen Nong Tasted Herbs"(神农尝百草). The ancients have already told us the action of the Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) with conclusion for thousands of years. They told us the acupuncture points, meridians as well. There is no need to go to compile the story book, "Animal Tasted Herbs" (动物尝百草). The animals originally taste herbs every day, but the people are bored to the hundred herbs condensed to feed the unrelated animals forcibly; the actual dose is so large that the animal dies of it. That is, too large a dose of food becomes toxic.  

The greatest contribution of the modern western medicine is finding antibiotics that solved infectious diseases, and has promoted the vaccination, which shocked the medical community. But the late research methods of drugs pull the whole mankind completely into the wrong direction. 

In English, the word of “medicine” has another meaning of witchcraft; the medicine man is a witch doctor. This also shows that the medicine came from witchcraft, not from drugs. In addition, we often see in movies that the westerners go to church every week, the religious confession and prayer, which actually is to clean up week’s accumulation of emotions; When the negative emotions is cleared up, the people will be healthier. The people who presided over the ancient ritual had a very high social status, just second to the emperor. In fact, the person who presided over the sacrifice in past was a psychologist now actually many modern research methods of diseases have completely prejudiced.

The users who earliest accepted the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) are the body, mind and soul researchers or explorers of the community, rather than clinicians.

I have proposed and practiced "to advance the disease treatment from the western medicine and Chinese medicine, to the integrated system of psychology, quantum medicine, family constellations", which I am the first one who invented in the world.

It is also the first that I invented in the world to treat the systemic diseases of the body, mind and soul with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water).

We can see from the above discussion that the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is consistent with many theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but it does not yet find any intersection point with the theory of the western medicine. The Chinese Medicine is systemic, and the western medicine is a local theory, and the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) is a larger whole, so why the Quantum Resonance Information Water (the QRI Water) can not find any intersection point with the western medicine, the cause may be here.

Principle Introduction

The Nature (including human body) has its inherent resonant frequency. if for some reasons, the resonance frequency of the human body deviate from the normal, it would be sick. The heart has the heart’s resonant frequency; the liver has the liver’s resonance frequency; every organ and tissue has its own unique resonance frequency. Some of the natural materials have the same resonance frequencies as that of some organs, tissues of the human body. If we use the substance, the disorder of the resonant frequency of the human can be corrected, which is the role of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The Traditional Chinese Medicines come from animals, plants and minerals etc.

Further study found that if pick out the resonance information of the Traditional Chinese Medicine amplify the intensity, to act on the human body, it can also achieve the same effect as that of the Traditional Chinese Medicine. There is no need to directly use the original Chinese Medicine itself. At the same time, the study found that pick out the resonance information of the human body, amplify the intensity, to act on the unhealthy, it can also correct its disordered resonance frequency to restore the health.  

More than 70% of normal human body is water. If all the resonance information of the normal body is picked out, amplified, and permanently memorized in the water to produce the resonance information water to transfer the normal resonance frequency to the human body, it can correct the imbalance of the quantum resonance frequency, and restore the disorder of the frequency of the normal human to health.



The Soulforce Medicine and Quantum Medicine researches confirmed that the human body has its natural resonance frequency; if the resonance frequency is disturbed, the disordered resonance frequency will cause the disease; and when the disordered frequency is corrected, the health is restored.

This product has memorized large normal resonance information of nature (including the human body) permanently. Connect with this product that can transfer the resonance information (resonance energy) to the outside world, the disordered resonant frequency will return to the normal (including the human body).

It can be verified from the following that this product can transfer the resonance information over space; When the drinks are close to the product (without opening the bottle), the taste of the drink is faded; When the glass of wine is near this product, the taste of the wine is lightened (actually the wine is not spicy and more mellow). The wine is better, and not be drunk with double amount.  Put the cigarette outside the bottle, smoking is pale; the significant stimulation of the throat is reduced. Handing this product, one’s strength increases. The symptom is significantly improved while placing or applying the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) on the uncomfortable point or lesions (such as pain, mass, trauma, etc.).

Drink some of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) , or carry it close to the body before sports, or military training, the result of the performance can be improved significantly (containing no cordial); it improves endurance greatly in mountain climbing, or heavy exercise.

This product can be as additives for beverage, wine, medicine, health care; the improvement agent for animal and plant growth, and it can also be used as props of the psychology activities.  This product has wide range of uses to allow the substance to produce the harmonic resonance changing its resonance characteristics.

Ingredients: water memorizing the specific resonance information (resonance energy).

Usage: Carry this product close to the body. If you feel this product too cold to carry in winter, you may put the product in warm water (not boiling) to heat first before using. The frozen does not influence the effect of the product, but boiling for a long time can make the effect of this product failed.

This product can be applied outside over space, contacting externally, or applying on. It can be drunk safely, drink it every 4 hours, 10 ml each time, more drinking without harm. 

Storage: Avoid direct sunlight, kept it in the shade, do not boil.

Verification Method

 After using this product, the following changes can immediately observed, the quantum resonance information transferring can be verified with these:

1, Get two cups of the flavored drinks at the same time to make comparison test, put one cup aside 1 meter away from the bottle of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), and one cup close to the bottle of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), turning around some times (No necessary to open the bottle of the Quantum Resonance Information Water), the taste of the drink fades at once. Put a glass of wine close to this product, the wine changes its characters at once, the taste of the wine fades (actually it becomes not so spicy, but more mellow). The wine is much better, double more drinking makes no drunk. (you can make a comparison test with 2 glasses of wine, put one glass of wine close to this product, the other glass aside);

2, Pull the cigarette outside of this product some times, the cigarette will be pale, not hot; the stimulation of smoking on the throat will be significantly reduced. (Make a comparison test with two cigarettes, one pulled on the product, the other is not);

(Note: The key to the success of the above test is that the original beverage, cigarettes should be put more than 1 meter away from the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water). If the whole bottle of the drink is placed near the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) before the test, the taste of the beverage bottle changes first, and then the taste does not come out on the contrast in the comparison. The cigarettes are similar.)

3, The “O” type of ring tension test: One person makes a O-ring round with the thumb and index finger (be sure to be round in O type), another person sets his thumb and index finger into the O-ring, pull in force trying to open it, to compare the tension, when the other hand holds the product and does not hold the product. The test results: It is easy to open the O-ring, when the other hand does not hold the product; but it is uneasy to open the O-ring while the other hand holding the product.

4. Arm Lateral Raise Test: One person raises his one side arm laterally, the other person pressures downwards near his elbow, test the compressive strengthwhen the other hand holding the product, and not holding this product; The test results: the side lifted arm is easily depressed down the level without holding this product by the other hand; but it is not easy to press down the level of the lifted arm while the other hand holding this product. 

 (Note: The key to the success of the above test is that the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) can not spray on the body in advance, or drink, or any part of the body with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), otherwise, it is equivalent to carry with the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) all along, the efforts have been in increasing state; the efforts is not changeable in the size).

5, Put this product on the body pain, or uncomfortable place for 10 minutes, or rub times, or apply on, the symptoms of the pain, or discomfort will be significantly reduced or disappear immediately.

Each bottle of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water), every drop of the Quantum Resonance Information Water (QRI Water) is a “source of the quantum resonance”; it is just like a set of liquid "quantum resonance transmitter" that can be carried with body continuously transmitting the harmonic resonance information around to correct the disordered resonance frequency of the human body, and make the health of the body recovered.

.. ... The resonance information transmission can be verified at once through the flavor pale change of wine, beverages, tobacco, O-ring tension pulling tests.



































点击网上咨询留言 http://www.yougong.com/talk_index15.asp

量子共振信息水 http://www.yougong.com/productgzs.asp

订购:网上商城  http://www.beijin.com.cn

共振水论坛:  http://www.beijin.net.cn

共振水论坛:  http://www.hadomizi.com

量子共振信息水   QQ号:513277076



(更多见http://www.hadomizi.com  http://www.yougong.com/talk_index15.asp  )

作者:星星 时间:2008-12-14 13:13:42


我是一位肺癌晚期患者的亲属。在一个偶然的机会了解到了对癌症患者治疗的作用。抱着试一试的心情买了20瓶。在给亲人喝水剂型共振能量剂前,病人的症状是:癌细胞扩散转移到了颈部,在颈部肿瘤尺寸为4.1*3.7,压迫气管,照成病人稍有活动,便不停的咳嗽,严重时带有血色。食欲与气色均很不好,精神也状态很差。接受的是西医的针剂和药品治疗。从我开始给与病人喝水剂型共振能量剂时,有意识地使用喝和抱的相结合。即在病人睡觉时放在枕边,白天平时尽可能抱在胸肺处附近,吃药时用水剂型共振能量剂送药。病人开始喝水的反映是:1.水有苦味2.有腹泻症状3.胃部有不适坚持连续喝了6天后带亲人到医院例行检查,结果让我们有很大的意外。病灶尺寸变为:3.7*3.0. 现在病人的脸色开始好转,尤其是第六天时的胃口开始有明显的变化,愿意吃东西了,也可以和我们聊天了。因为病灶的减小,咳嗽的频率和烈度也降低了很多。这是服用了20瓶后病人的一些变化。我会继续使用水剂型共振能量剂,并结合医生的治疗,观察病人的身体变化给你们留言。

回复:1.水有苦味2.有腹泻症状3.胃部有不适,患者喝共振能量水,她说味道是“苦”的,但我们喝起来无味,她喝了说苦的,说明她的身体已经偏离了正常的共振频率,频率变了,所以味觉也改变了。喝了共振水,腹泻,但我们喝了不腹泻,说明频率偏离,喝了在排毒素,所以腹泻。胃部不适,也是共振频率偏离引起的。使用后,通过共振能量水,可以逐渐把偏离的共振频率拉回到正常共振频率,异物也就消除了。希望你能继续告诉我们每天的变化。 2008-12-14 23:45:

回复:她是治病心切了,用的量嫌大了一些。实际不需要用那么大剂量的。当初没有太强调使用剂量,用得太多了,但没有什么副作用。 2009-1-30 16:15:56

作者:段段 时间:2008-12-12 16:39:32


共振能量剂好像美容效果也很好. 最近脸上长痘痘,用护肤品前先把共振水拍在脸上,只用了三天,痘痘消失了,皮肤明显光滑了许多。

回复:是,那天我对你说过,你只要愿意用,肯定能达到你需要的效果。今天傍晚我见到一位,是同事昨天拿给她的,她还不知怎么使用,就把共振能量水瓶放在化妆品的周围,后来发现化妆品变柔软、变稀了,涂在脸上皮肤明显变柔软了。 2008-12-13 0:23:39

作者:远流 时间:2008-12-15 11:43:34



回复:涂在身上睡眠好,已经接到反馈电话很多了,包括江苏的反馈。谢谢您的反馈。 2008-12-15 12:06:10

作者:远流 时间:2008-12-18 9:29:26



作者:兰 时间:2008-12-18 9:06:59



回复:钟总啊;水剂放在枕头边确实性欲提高了;开始还不知道怎么回事;我也没好意思说啊 2008-12-18 15:59:45

作者:LIANG 时间:2008-12-21 19:43:35


我母亲10多年前起有脚癣,脚痒难忍,手指抓,后来引起真菌和细菌混合感染,后来患病的那条腿一直肿,脚癣每年发作,遇到农药或者露水脚就开始痒,近2、3年脚癣稍有好转,但一条腿粗,一条腿细,原来脚癣的部位的脚底皮肤明显粗糙。用共振信息水涂3天后,脚底下皮肤明显光滑,第4天起,粗的那条腿肿明显退肿了,走路时脚也轻松了很多。另外我妈大腿上部一直痛,医生说那个部位叫股骨大转子,夜里痛得要蹬被窝很多次,我爸爸说简直象是拉风箱,所以爸爸不愿同妈妈睡同一床,用水涂4天后,疼痛消失了,睡眠就很好了。 我爸爸前几天参加别人的婚礼,喝酒、抽烟多了,得了急性扁桃体炎,咽喉肿痛,后来在脖子咽喉的位置涂了水,半夜起就好转了很多,第二天再涂,就好了。另外,昨天牙痛,用水涂了脸上牙的部位,前半夜还痛,后半夜就不痛了。 我爸睡眠不好很多年了,晚上总是似睡非睡的,晚上起床小便4—5次。把共振信息水放枕边2瓶,每侧一瓶,离头一手掌远,2夜以后就明显好睡,第3夜感觉从来没有那么好睡过,现在夜里起床小便一夜只有一次了。

作者:janney 时间:2008-12-27 15:02:55


前段时间我妈妈胳膊骨折了,一直打着石膏,上周买了些共振水寄给我妈,今天打电话问收到没有,我妈妈说早收到了,并且喝了三瓶了,枕头边放了两瓶,还有一瓶绑在石膏上。这几天睡眠好了很多,这几天变天腿痛早晚用水摸一次,腿痛也好了很多。胳膊刚放水上去头两天反应很大,今天就好了很多。我妈妈说这段时间她会坚持使用并注意有什么变化的。 我自己用着感觉效果最明显的就是睡眠改善,多年的失眠居然就这样好了

回复:这共振信息水涂、抹在人身上、或者喝了,正常人不会有不适反应,但对于身体异常的人,由于他的共振频率偏离了正常(处于疾病状态),当使用本品时在纠正共振频率的过程中,早期会有不舒服的感觉,但频率渐渐接近正常后,不舒服的症状会消失。如此前肺癌晚期的人喝了,说水是苦,有腹泻、胃部不适,而正常人不会有苦的感觉,如果感觉这样的异常越强烈,说明其偏离正常频率越厉害,对于好转越有希望。请继续观察。 2008-12-27 16:25:09

作者:yanpeng 时间:2008-12-28 17:10:14



作者:Jackiel 时间:2009-1-25 17:33:19



作者:陆国宰 时间:2009-1-26 13:04:02


我母亲刘爱红,46岁,患肾囊肿(10cmX10cm)肾衰竭,尿毒症,没有小便,鼓胀水肿,大肚子已两年多,启东市人民医院医生曾考虑过换肾,但又考虑到风险太大而采用透析,每周透析一次,获得短时间的好受,有时甚至难过得生不如死 ,其余时间都很难过,几次想轻生过。一天我妈腰部疼得厉害,被我的老大伯知道了,他托家人从深圳买到了量子共振信息水,立即送我妈一瓶,并叮嘱我妈把它挂在腰部疼痛处,我妈照办了,竟然第二天就止疼了,我妈高兴得不得了,过了几天,老大伯又送来一瓶,并告诉我妈除了挂一瓶腰间外,还可以打开瓶子倒少些手掌心于腰部患处涂擦。到目前为止,不过一个月,我妈的腹鼓胀水肿已经基本消退,也有些小便了,脸色好看多了,还干些轻松的家务活,还能散步,串门子与人聊天。生活充满阳光。医生预计,2009年3月以后就可能不需要透析。届时我妈就可以完全康复。饮水思源,感谢深圳科技日研公司为我们带来了这么好的东西,给了我妈第二次生命。江苏省启东市吕四港镇锦芳村。

作者:向日葵 时间:2009-2-3 23:46:22



作者:过敏性鼻炎30年 时间:2009-7-10 10:33:48






量子共振信息水止痛效果非常明显,外伤性疼痛、癌性疼痛、不明原因疼痛、疾病继发合并疼痛等各类疼痛,止痛效果均明显,约10分钟内见效; 有创口的外伤性疼痛,直接喷,1-3分钟止痛。











点击网上咨询留言 http://www.yougong.com/talk_index15.asp

量子共振信息水 http://www.yougong.com/productgzs.asp

订购:网上商城  http://www.beijin.com.cn

共振水论坛:  http://www.beijin.net.cn

共振水论坛:  http://www.lingpai.org

量子共振信息水   QQ号:513277076





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量子共振信息水   QQ号:513277076

《爱的传递—— 量子医学、量子共振信息水与身心灵疾病治疗之探索》


研制者堀尾忠正,经过二十多年的医学、药学、工程技术、生物医学工程等的综合研究,并用量子技术对医学、药学等进行研究,十多年前即研究证实:“人体有其固有共振频率,共振频率紊乱会引起疾病,纠正已经紊乱的共振频率即可恢复健康”,创立“共振传递”理论,把量子共振信息记忆在水上,研究传递共振信息对人体的作用,开发成功“量子共振信息水(共振能量传递剂)”,可应用于各类疾病的治疗,于1997年12月5日至9日在北京展览馆展出。 同时开发成功“核磁共振传递剂 (油公燃油添加剂)”,把量子共振信息记忆在燃油上,作为燃油添加剂把量子共振信息传递给燃油,于1997年投放中国市场,经十多年的验证使用,用户众多,效果明确,在中国取得良好口碑。这十多年的验证证明:“治病从纠正已经紊乱的共振频率下手”,将改变整个医学界的诊断、治疗手段。






American Supernatural & Soulforce Medical Institute (美国灵异与灵力医学研究院)

Soulforce Medicine and Education Institute (灵力医学与教育学院)


美国电话: 001-626-4355973 QQ:513277076 微信号:kuwei205 堀尾忠正


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